Pikahsso Presents: BlackManWithBlog Updated 247/365
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I had so much on my mind that I forgot yesterday August 20th 2008 was his birthday but better late than never. So I say to him nappy birthday and I was telling Tahiti I see alot of spoil kids who parents bust they ass to provide for them, and get them all kinds of cool stuff and they still are disrespectful, mean, and ungrateful to they daddies. Man I remember back in the day my daddy use to bring me 15 dollars sometimes 10 bucks but damn that use to make me feel good as hell it might not be much to some but to me it was a lot and back when I was young I didnt realize how important that is and it brought a smile to my face. It aint how much or what yo parents do for ya its if they at least trying or at least give a damn. True they make mistakes, true yall gone get into it but most parents truly love ya and wont the best for ya. And they try and for that I thank my daddy cause when I was a young Pikahsso he use to try and thats all I can ask for.
Nappy Birthday Below I posted a picture of him got to get a more recent one but for now this gone have to do leave him some birthday shouts he has came on this page from time to time so ill make sure he see's it....verb
And if you're holding a grudge with your parents and it aint that serious let it go dont be like me I use to hold grudges and be childish and selfish now I look back on it im embarrassed by some of my actions. But you live and you learn.
Tell ya daddy you love him cause its hard to find good men who down and love they kids im trying to be a better daddy everday
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