Friday, June 05, 2009

IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE New Radio Station (The Network) Is Live & On Air


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PR (Press Release) – June 4, 2009 – Dallas, Texas – Unlike conventional radio stations, The RKN Internet Radio Network (The Network) is a digital based radio station and has no radio tower. With the listener base expanding rapidly through Creative DJ’s, New Music Artists, Contests, Dynamic intros, Station ids and Commercial breaks THE NETWORK is becoming another great radio station. The lack of advertisers in the terrestrial radio stations is overcome with the introduction of this radio station. THE NETWORK is not just another unprofessional state of common place Internet radio. Yet formed at it’s core is a base of business owners, artists and entertainers who are well aware of the pitfalls of the terrestrial radio stations have come together to introduced this new technology and eliminating those terrestrial radio pitfalls” says Mr. Harris.

Speaking about the features of this digital radio station, Mr. Harris said, “With over 200 Indie/Unsigned Music Artists and 5 different Radio hosts The Network keeps content fresh and unexpected by the powerful personas of the hosts hand selected for our shows” The format of THE NETWORK pleases about 8,000 to 12,000 online listeners every day. For music artists, THE NETWORK supplies new listeners and soon to be fans through this high powered & influential digital radio station. Current Internet traffic statistics indicate that THE NETWORK grabs the attention of a wider listener base when compared to conventional radio or other digital radio stations. CLICK HERE TO READ The Rest of this press release

1 comment:


You have done a great job withh alll of your sites! Thansk for the help!