Friday, October 17, 2008

Is This Obama Graphic Offensive To You


Pikahsso Presents: BlackManWithBlog Updated 247/365 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blogs. I'd be here more often but it really takes a long time to load on my laptop.

MAAAaaaan! Thanks for sharing this video. UNBELIEVABLE to the point that it almost looks like a parody. That was outrageous. Damn right all that old Sambo type cartoonery is racist or prejudice! I can't believe that woman and man who responded "SAYS WHO"... I eat chicken! lmao...Dude said spaghetti and meatballs! Is he NUTS! As if anyone in their right mind would believe they put it on a $10 foodstamp with pictures of fried chicken and watermelon purely by chance! They were trying to make a statement with those stereotypical images that are COMPLETELY race related aside for the donkey/democrat. I have to admit, it was hilarious to me (in the way a mama would laugh if she caught you wearing her favorite expensive lipstick as face paint, but after she laughed and took a picture she'd probably resort to whoopin your A$$), they were clownin' fo' real. I'm not sure they purposely wanted to offend or be hateful to black people, but they did intend to belittle and make fun of Obama being a black man running for president and they probably thought it was funny amongst friends who share their underhanded racist views. Something they freely feel in their alone time or with their like-minded peers. Almost reminds me of the redneck type of cartoons made about George Bush. Depicting him as a mentally slow countryside hick... BUT BUSH IS A MENTALLY SLOW (compared to other past presidents) TEXAS Cowboy TYPE GUY! The Obama cartoon was purely race related. Almost as if they couldn't find anything bad to say so they resorted to racist stereotypes. In this day and age?! This goes to show just how fake people are when it comes to their real feelings regarding race, and how they hide and pretend to NOT have racist thoughts only because it isn't currently socially acceptable. They know damn well it's racist, and they need to come face to face with their own truth. I can't stand a liar. That's why we can't have honest discussions about race in this country.