Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Indian Reality Show "DaDagiri: Pimp Slapped LIVE On TV


this dude slapped the Mongolian Possum shit outta this reality show host leave comments now


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw this last night on Attack of the Show. Holy mutha sucka! Though I'm not too thrilled about getting hit by anybody (and I'm not taking the lady's side), ol' boy should composed himself better.

Because he looked like he was getting ever-lovin' ISH kicked outta him.

Anonymous said...

That was totally freakin awesome batman! LMAO! Woooowzzaaa!!!

I mean....a man should NEEEVEER hit a woman like that...EVEEER!

Anonymous said...

ok, ordinarily i would say that a dude should never jack-slap a chick like that...however, she slapped him first. so i can kind of see why his first reaction might be to slap her back...i know would've. i almost felt bad for him after he got jumped by all those guys. kind of reminds me of stopsix, lol.

what i REALLY want to know is what in the hell kind of show that was. it LOOKED like s&m or something. also, i really wish that i understood punjabi or hindi or whatever dialect it was they were speaking so that i could have known what was going on in the background toward the end.

Anonymous said...

How can she slap?! How can she slap?!!!!!

It wouldnt be so bad if he didnt start CRYING HARD at the end.